Easter is upon us ^^ Finally!
And guess who have two weeks of holidays?? ME :D fantastic!
Buut after that will be a month with exams, so not so fond of what coming after...
But for now, I'm just gonna enjoy my time with my mum and her bf, cuz they're coming tomorrow :D Can't wait!! We're going to Plymouth (quite south on the coast ^^ That's gonna be brilliant!... Then the second week, I'm spending time with my lovely friends :D Again exploiting that we have no school :D hehe....
Tonight we're having a BBQ:P woho!! Astrid's coming over <3
Then I'm going out with Jra, Freddy and maybe Astrid and maybe someone else.. we'll see.^^
So have a brilliant Easter everyone!!!
Eat too much chocolate!! That's what I'm gonna do!! :D
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