27 april 2009

this weekend!

i've had the most social week-ends in a long time! And that's why i haven't been writing here at all :S haha

so i'm gonna make it up to you by putting on some photoes from this brilliant week-end ;)

Well, i didn't really do anything but watching movies on friday( with Ann) but on sunday, Anne and i had Torann-day( don't ask! xD) we went to town around 11 and took loads of pictures... including this:

and we bought a charms-bracelet each... and eveytime we meet up again after this year, we're buying another one, as well as on Torann day:P

Then in the evening we went to Hove with Sue and the girls and Nadia, Astrid and Allison + some more of the Mulley family to a barndance XD Me and Emily^^

It was a bit weird yeah, but we had a laugh :P

Then yesterday, we had a BBQ with some of the same poeple, as well as neighbour and Ira and Freddy came:P Such a good time.... And the best thing was... the sun was shining all the time :D

Freddy<3 Allison, Anne and Ira ^^

this is our family photo haha xD even if it's like a classic family phot, i really like it, cuz we're not aware of that the photo is being taken, so it's really natural:D

but this week-end, even if nothing big happened, was probably one of the best ones in ages:D really really nice!!

24 april 2009

Derren Brown

Yes i am aware that my blogging has been minimized extremely the last week! But the exams are closing up and we got loads of homework which need to be done :/sucks, but that's life, so learn to live with it ;)

On Wednesday i went to Hastings with Sue and two of her friends to see Derren Brown! It was just absolutely amazing jaw.dropping incredible!!

Anyone who like "magic" i can recommend for all of you to see one of his shows if you get the chance!!

have a lovely weekend everyone!

21 april 2009

Converse all-star <3

love-love-love-love-love-love <3

Even animals have fun^^

Haha xD taken place on our fence =)

19 april 2009


At the moment i'm just waiting for my hair to be cut... the house is full of people, who also want their hair cut.

I'm really tired, cuz i woke up that Grace was screaming.... and screaming! and she wouldn't stop screaming, then some crying and whinging and some more screaming!

nice eh?!

here's a musicvideo for yah... i actually love it!

17 april 2009

guinea pigs..

Since i really have nothing amazing to write about at the moment... i can now honestly say I've seen something incredibly stupid...

We have a couple of guinea pigs in our lounge - Tufty and Bubles. Today, while watching "Britain's got more talent" i heard a "tearing noise" So i went over to their cage, and Bubble totally freaked out, backing up to the corner (as always) with a big piece of newspaper halfway through it's body, while giving me
"the evil eye"

It was just ridiculous xD

Well this really just explains that my imagination need some updating... :/

16 april 2009

Astrid spend the night

My lovely friend from Denmark ended up spending the night at my place yesterday^^

We had such a good time, watched the musical "Dream Girls" which is really good, and also actually base on a true story... didn't know that... Loads of know people in it... Beyoncè, Jennifer Hudson, Jamie Foxx, Eddie murphy etc ^^

Anyways... Astrid has become one of my closest friends here in England, and i don't really know how I'm gonna be able to live without her :S But luckily she doesn't really live that far from me, so I'm probably go there quite often :P I mean, it's Denmark and i love Denmark^^

Love her <3

14 april 2009

Chelsea 4 - 4 Liverpool

aggregation : 7-5 Chelsea..

That's it... Liverpool is out of the Champions league for now...
After a dramatic night at Stanford Bridge, the game ends draw between the two teams.

Before the game, most people said Liverpool had to play almost perfect to get the three goals they needed to advance through to the semi-finals of probably the worlds top league.

Liverpool made an honest attempt in the memorable fight on Stamford Bridge. Liverpool led 2-0before halftime, but Chelsea turned to 3-2 before the red came back to 4-3, but Chelsea puncture in the 89.minute.

I missed Torres today, and Kuyt didn't really do his best either.... but on the other side Alonso, Benayoun and Carragher was quite good. The team was stable even with Gerrard was on the side.

For full commentaries of the games, press here

The Reds didn't go through :/ sucks BIG TIME! But i have to say; Oh My God, what a match!!! 4-4! One of the best games I've seen! This is why i love football^^

Another article in Norwegian: Best football match through times?

12 april 2009


This Norwegian band is just brilliant.

the coolest music video i've seen!

11 april 2009

i'm back

Just got back from Plymouth yesterday. After drving for hours :S... But on the way, we went to see Stonehenge... Which was actually quite cool =)

Plymouth was really nice. i really like it there^^ I've been using way to much money, but i don't care. Love my new jacket and my new converse shoes:P Two pair of trousers and alot of other things:P hehe

But basicly we've been in Plymouth, driving a bit around to places like Torqie and Totnes, and experiencing Plymouth. Also took the "historical bustour"^^

It was really nice to see them again, and we had loads of laughs. At least they had xD very little is needed for them to lauhg. Ridiculous xD oh Well... not really complaining;)

Can't be bothered to write more... sorry

While you people in Norway have to go back to school, work or whatever you do... i'm gonna sit at home, watching way to many moives, drink way too much coke, eating way to much junk and thinking way too much about you having to go back to everydaylife, when i still have term break, with an evil smile on my face xD

04 april 2009

Off to Plymouth

I'm just taking a break from packing... Metallica in the background (I Disappear), and my bed looks like a war zone xD

I'm soon gonna go downstairs to join the girls, who's watching Hercules :D
Then I'm gonna finish packing, go to the train station, buy my ticket to Redhill... Then I'm meeting my boyfriend^^ and Ira and Astrid to go see "the boat that rocked"

Then I'm of to Redhill, where i'm meeting my mum and her boyfriend :D Then driving down to Plymouth, where we're staying for about a week :D

This means, unless i go to a internetcafe or something, i will not be able to write anything here, be on msn or update my facebook until next weekend... Oh well! Now you know the reason, at least ;)

So enjoy holidays :P

03 april 2009


Easter is upon us ^^ Finally!

And guess who have two weeks of holidays?? ME :D fantastic!

Buut after that will be a month with exams, so not so fond of what coming after...

But for now, I'm just gonna enjoy my time with my mum and her bf, cuz they're coming tomorrow :D Can't wait!! We're going to Plymouth (quite south on the coast ^^ That's gonna be brilliant!... Then the second week, I'm spending time with my lovely friends :D Again exploiting that we have no school :D hehe....

Tonight we're having a BBQ:P woho!! Astrid's coming over <3
Then I'm going out with Jra, Freddy and maybe Astrid and maybe someone else.. we'll see.^^

So have a brilliant Easter everyone!!!
Eat too much chocolate!! That's what I'm gonna do!! :D

01 april 2009

i'm off buying a dress..

me?! a dress?! NOO??
Yep it's true... i, Torunn, have bought a dress ^^

I think a really small amount of the people i know, have actually seen me in a dress. Only on the big occasions. I love shorts, and some skirts, but i never really wear dresses. But I've decided, I'm gonna start wearing dresses:P hihi...

So to start of i bought this^^ i love it!!! And i also bought a really cool tee :D woho...